Thursday, 14 July 2011

the NEO pact.

Love. Every living human being longs for it, no matter how much we try to think we can do without it. In some way or the other, everyone longs to find appreciation in the eyes of someone else and experience that tingling sensation talked about so commonly in movies and songs. But what happens when the person you love doesn't love you back, or love you the way you do them. Or when he's in love with 5 or six others, and you have to share. Is it still the same love Beauty shares with the Beast in the Disney Fairy Tale? Nah, I like to think of it as Neo-love.

Its that kind of love that doesn't exactly fit the script you had written and rehearsed in your mind for the last 20 years. But it still causes those butterflies to form cocoons in your stomach cause' it just won't quit. Its the form of love you wish you could transform to simple love, and sometimes it does, but often takes a great deal of commitment, hard work and patience. It works just the same, only with a few more head-aches, heart-aches, sighs, sweat, enemies and enmity than pure-love.

Some people tend to turn noses up against those practitioners of neo-love. "Why does she do it?" "He's way too good for her," "That just won't last." All these said, while secretly hoping they had the strength and mentality to take on such a feat. Neo-lovers are strong, ruth-less, ambitious and resilient individuals who know what they want, and stick to it, regardless of the outcome. They possess some of the most coveted attributes and should not be looked down upon. Conventional lovers are whimps, too scared of a challenge that proves the strongest of characters- a true test of Darwinism.

Neo-lovers- someday, I wish to inherit half your strength because if simple love drives me this crazy, I couldn't last a day in your shoes.

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